Open seven days a week, year round, Bowen’s Wharf is a perfect shopping destination at any time of the year!
Summer Hours: May 24th – September 2nd
Monday through Saturday: 10am – 9pm Sunday: 12pm – 6pm
Summer in Newport – great shopping, award-winning restaurants, and spectacular views.
Summer is the most lively time of the year on historic Bowen’s Wharf. Great shopping, outdoor dining, live music and twinkling harbor lights make this the best place to experience your visit to Newport. We offer extended hours for shopping, dining & tours Memorial Day through Labor Day.
Winter Wonderland
Holiday feasts, heart-warming gifts, and family festivals.
With shops and restaurants open year-round, why not visit us during the quieter months? Start the season at our annual Seafood Festival, and help kick off the holidays with our magnificent Tree Lighting! Park in our lot, conveniently located in the heart of Bowen’s Wharf, and enjoy a day of relaxed shopping and fine dining.
Winter Hours: September 3rd , – May 22nd Monday through Saturday: 10am – 5pm Sundays: 12pm – 5pm
Holiday Hours: November 24 – December 23rd (Store hours vary on the 24th) Fridays and Saturdays: 10am – 8pm Sunday through Thursday: 10am – 5pm
How can your business connect with Bowen’s Wharf?
Marked by our signature flag mast on America’s Cup Avenue, Bowen’s Wharf stands tall in the heart of Newport’s shopping and dining district. We invite you to experience the benefits of promoting your product on this first-class waterfront property. From photo-shoots to product sampling and sponsorships, Bowen’s Wharf provides the opportunity to reach an unlimited and diverse audience.
Bowen’s Wharf Company is available Monday through Friday, 9am – 5pm. Interested businesses should contact the Bowen’s Wharf Company office: 401.849.2243
Explore Bowen's Wharf
Dine, Shop, and View Tours at Bowen's Wharf Newport Rhode Island.